Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Up and Running

I sent an email yesterday that uStream in now password-protected. If you need entry into the site and have lost that password, please email me. We're back up and running. We'll have live streaming most of the day.

This week has gone great. The kids are learning the parts of a plant and the function of each. We're also discussing why plants are important to us. Next week, we'll bring in pictures of plants we eat and categorize which part of the plant each is.

Math is going well, also. We'll re-take our "doubles/doubles + 1" timed test, as well as study for our "make 10" test. We're also learning some cool math games.

Monday, August 23, 2010

No UStream video today

Just wanted to let you know that I'm not streaming live today. I'll try to start back up late in the morning (10ish). Thanks!

Friday, August 20, 2010

A New School Year

I'm so excited about a new school year. This year, Mrs. Johnson and I will be team teaching. I can't wait to see how it goes. We're closing out our first week of swapping classes, and it's been a joy so far. I love teaching math, science,and social studies. She's an excellent language arts teacher, so I think this is going to be a great experience.

This week in math we've explored picture talks, reviewed number bonds, and learned a couple of addition strategies to help us answer math facts more efficiently. In science, we've investigated what makes something living or nonliving. We'll be turning our focus towards plants today.

I'll be posting to the blog every couple of days. When the students get comfortable with what's going on in class, they'll begin blogging, as well. Look for new pictures and updates soon!

I'm also very excited to announce that my lessons can be viewed via a live webcast daily at This will greatly benefit children who are absent. They can simply tune in and hear the exact same lesson they'd hear if they were at school. I'll also video archive some of the most important lessons so that parents can go back and see the lessons if there are questions at home. I really hope this helps children be less anxious upon returning to school. I'd love feedback throughout the year to assist me in making this more efficient and more user-friendly for parents. Thanks!