Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday, Sept. 30

by: Lauren

Today some poepol went to Mrs. Murreys room to do solos and that was Peyton and Millie.Alaya got picked for good citizen .Her frands sade she has ben lisoning.Alaya has ben a good frand.Mrs Jonses class came over.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday, Sept. 29

by Jackson:
This morning Mrs. jousens class came to viset us. we started are hunred branching. lerned more abuot the sorler sistem, sun and stars. Some peple got exter reess.we learned about the spinle cord and brain in P.E.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday, Sept. 28

by: Drew

This morning some people went to mrs. Muries room.And some people went to mrs. Oconners room.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday, Sept. 26

This morning we went to the computer lab and took a DIBELS Math test. It was hard!!! Then, Mrs. Lincoln came in and did a creativity experience with us. We headed to Mrs. Johnson's room and did spelling sentences and a water cycle reader's theatre. After heading to PE, counselor, and recess, we ate lunch. We came back into the room for a surprise. We made an edible water cycle! YUM!!!!!

We are very excited that we will FINALLY be going to McWane tomorrow!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday, Sept. 23

Congratulations to Aidan, our good citizen for this week!!! His friends say he's nice and always good in the hall. Aidan is a good friend. He's always well-behaved. Other teachers even tell Mrs. Bruno how kind and respectful he is.

This morning we put our spelling words in ABC order. Then, Mrs. Johnson's class came over and we discussed maps and globes. We found the US on our continent. We learned the names of all seven of our continents by singing The Continent Song.

We took a timed test and continued to branch numbers with addition today. We have gotten very good at it! Mrs. Bruno even gave us a challenge problem with hundreds digits, and we did GREAT!!! We'll focus on the hundreds place next week even more.

In science, we wrapped up our weather unit by reviewing our chapter and journaling in our notebooks.

Our homework this weekend is to read more books for the September Reading Program!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday, September 22

Our morning work was to complete a fun sum-of-the-digits worksheet. Mrs. Johnson's class came over and checked that math sheet with us. Then, we read a science book about weather.

During math, we practiced branching numbers again. Half of us went to meet Mrs. Bruno at the round table. The other half will meet tomorrow. We're slowly, but surely, getting the hang of this branching!!!! We practiced our math fluency with Math Magician. Carson had the most-improved score this week! Way to go, Carson!!!

Today in science, we discussed different type of storms: hurricanes, tornados, thunderstorms, and blizzards. We looked at pictures of the Metrodome's roof caving in last winter. Because we don't see snow often, it's hard for us to imagine it creating tons of problems.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Much more calm day!!!

Today has been more calm and kind of back on our schedule! Yea!

Lauren got to go to Pump It Up today for being a high seller in the fundraiser. She said she had lots of fun!!!!

Mrs. Johnson's class came over, and we worked on word problems. Then, we read our math magazine and answered some problems. During our regular math class, we worked on branching. I think that most people really liked it!!! They were sad when we had to stop.

In science, we discussed weather tools and looked at some that Mrs. Bruno had. We talked about thermometers, anemometers, and rain guages. We also discussed hurricanes and tornados and how to stay safe during these types of weather.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Tuesday mornings are already crazy. We send some folks to Ms. Lacy, some to Mrs. Murray, and some to Mrs. O'Connor. BUT, that was only the beginning of our abnormal day!

Our class went to the computer lab for IXL today. We did some number sense and addition skills. We came back and tried to do math, but turned right around and had to go to the eye screen. The kids got confused and thought we were going to ICE CREAM!!!! I had to disappoint them and say no! :(

We cut out math manipulatives today to help us with our addition of two and three-digit numbers. We worked on Math Magician.

In science, we continued our study of weather by looking at today's clouds!! YUCK!!! We're definitely in the precipitation stage of the water cycle!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday, Sept. 19

This morning, Mrs. Johnson's class joined us to watch Winter: The Dolphin That Could. We enjoyed seeing the real-life footage of Winter and how she survived her horrible ordeal.

For science this morning, we got to go outside for cloud observations. Different students saw different types of clouds. Kesler saw a cumulus cloud. Gabby saw cumulus, as well. Cirrus clouds were seen by Kamden, Emma, Aidan, and Lauren. Maddie, Sarah, Carson, Drew, and Jackson saw stratus clouds. We'll continue making observations over the next few days (weather permitting).

In math, we began adding and subtracting three-digit numbers! We are so cool!!!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday, Sept. 16

We started this morning with a fire drill. We read some books when we came in. We watched a movie about the water cycle and weather.

Congratulations to Gabby!!! She's our Good Citizen for the week. Her friends say that she is super nice and never mean. She shows good character all of the time! She's kind and thoughtful! We're proud to have her represent our class!!!

We worked on our triangular relationships again today, followed closely by fact families. We're getting pretty good!! We also did something new called Number Decomposition.

We recorded our water cycle songs. They are on our Ustream site, if you would like to see them!!!!!!

Have a good weekend!!!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday, September 15

We didn't have the opportunity to blog yesterday because we were having our fall pictures made during our blogging time.

Yesterday, we went to the red hall computer lab for the first time to do IXL Math. We worked on counting money and telling time. Mrs. Bruno wants to see what we do and do not already know. In science, we talked about solids, liquids, and gases and how they can change from one form to another. A real life example of that changing is called the water cycle. We learned how water evaporates, condenses, and precipitates constantly.

Mrs. Johnson's class visited us and worked on Math Magician. In math today, we worked on math facts in triangular relationships. Together, we listed all possibilites for the number ten, then wrote all of their fact families. Individually, we got to choose our own numbers and put them into triangular relationships. Today for science, we learned some water cycle songs. We're going to sing them tonight at the nursing home, and hopefully put them on the internet tomorrow.

We can't wait to share pix from our nursing home visit tonight!!!! : )

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday, 9-13

First thing this morning, some of us went to Paine Primary Singers, some to the amphitheater, and some to Mrs. O'Connor. The rest of us felt a little lonely, and we watched the video of Mrs. Bruno visiting Winter.

Today, we took a hard math test that everyone in second grade has to take twice a nine weeks. We knew we wouldn't do great, but we plan to improve as the year goes along.

We finished our solids and liquids today. We journaled about what our favorite and least favorite parts of the unit were. We'll begin focusing on solids and liquids in our environment.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday, Sept. 12

This morning, we opened our day by reading "September 12th: We Knew Everything Would Be All Right." It was a book written by first graders after September 11th.

Mrs. Johnson's class joined us this morning, and we took our math test. Mrs. Bruno taught us a new addition/subtraction strategy called the "Nine Shortcut." We went to Mrs. Johnson's room and read a passage and completed a response sheet.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday's Blog

For our last day of Husky Pride Week, Brody, Peyton, Millie, Drew, and Savannah said the pledge and sang the Husky Pride song.

Drew is our Good Citizen this week. His classmates say he's shown good character, he doesn't play too rough, he's quiet in the hallways, he's nice to others, and he's not mean to others!!! Way to go Drew!!!!!

It's been a very busy morning. We had our timed test this morning on the "Make 10" strategy. Then, we worked on "liquids" word problems. We learned two new games today. "Roll and Count" helped us with our number sense, and "The Popcorn Game" is a way to choose a partner to check your work. We had so much to do in math that we weren't able to get to science.

We've also had lots of discussions about 9/11 and the Twin Towers. The kids had great questions!

We had our third compliment party. That crazy teacher of ours made MAYONNAISE COOKIES!!!! She didn't tell us what was in them until AFTER we tasted them!!! She was scared we wouldn't try them.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday, September 8

Emma, Sarah, Thomas, Carson, and Aidan said the pledge today. The quote about knowledge today was, "The next best thing to knowing something, is knowing where to find it." Paine Primary Singers practiced with Mrs. Murray today.

During reading intervention time, the rest of the class stayed with Mrs. Bruno. We practiced the "Make 10" addition strategy, then talked about the upcoming movie "Dolphin Tale." Mrs. Bruno discussed the differences between the facts of what really happened and what the movie will portray. Mrs. Bruno visited Winter at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium in July and can't wait to show us real video and pictures of Winter. Go see the movie on September 23!!!!

The class worked on Math Magician and wrote in our math journal. Our science focus moved from solids to liquids today. We'll be exploring liquids and their properties tomorrow!!!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Calmed-down day

Today we are back to a normal schedule. It's refreshing!

Gabby, Alaya, Kesler, Maddie, and Creedon said the pledge on the intercom this morning. They also read a quote about knowledge, our character ed trait of the month. "Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes" by Peter Drucker.

A few of our friends visited the amphitheater and a few visited Mrs. O'Connor. The rest of us stayed and discussed solids and liquids and what we might find at the arctic!

During math, we put numbers in order from least to greatest and then from greatest to least. We also built towers with solids, then measured them to see which group built the tallest tower. We graphed the measurements and saw that Drew and Lauren had the tallest "solids" tower. We also did Math Magician! Yea fact practice!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


We are SOOOOOOOOOO sad!!! We didn't get to go on our field trip to McWane!!!!! We are hoping to reschedule it!!!

Our class is the Husky Pride class of the week, so we get to send students to Mrs. Schmitt's office each morning to do announcements. This morning Jackson, Lauren, Kamden, Ethan, and Fred said the pledge. They also quoted Mark Twain with a remark about knowledge. "The trouble with the world isn't that people know too little, but that they know so many things that aren't so!" Knowledge is our character trait for the month of September.

We had a seriously, crazy day!!! We didn't even get to school until 10:00. We were only here a precious few minutes before leaving to go to PE. From PE we went to Counselor. We got out late, had indoor recess, and headed to lunch. We finally made it back to our classroom, only to have abbreviated afternoon classes. The class packed up and headed home.

We hope we have a more normal day tomorrow!!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday, Sept 2

Take a look at our good citizen for the week . . . Ethan!!! Ethan has the best attitude about EVERYTHING. He's always willing to help, and he sets a great example for the other students in our class. We're very proud of him!

Today we got the chance to visit the book fair. If we didn't bring money, we can still bring it next Wednesday and shop.

We started our very first written timed test today. It was on doubles and doubles + 1. I hope we did well!!!! We did some word problems that had to do with our science unit, solids and liquids. Then, we observed some solids and told about their properties. Properties are the things that we know about an object based on our senses (sight, smell, touch, hearing, and tasting). We had lots of fun with that!!

We can't wait for Labor Day! The class will go to McWane the day we come back!!! YEA!!!!!