Thursday, April 30, 2015


by:  Audrey Kate

We practiced our readers theaters.In Mrs. Jonhsons room we made a map.We read Manma Iquana.We are going to music today.We got to watch our paper slide video.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


by:  Molly Brown

On may fifth we are doing a readers theater about Cinco De Mayo.We did a word search.for our special is Counselor. Our class watch a Brain Pop Jr. video about Cinco De Mayo!We filled in the blanks and colored a map!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Skills Agenda for April 27th


What a crazy few weeks we've had.  We have been so busy that we haven't had much time to blog.  Our normal blogging time has been replaced with cursive handwriting time, so blogging hasn't been a priority.

We've been learning lots, though.  We've done non-standard and standard measurement activities, measured huge animals by counting tiles in the hall, playing "I Have . . . Who Has?" and lots of other great things.

Boosterthon and our Oak Mountain field trip have also fallen in the last couple of weeks!  Sadly, I don't believe things will slow down much as the end of school inches closer!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


by:  Alleigh

Mrs.Johnson is not here so Ms.Burfurd is our sub today. Today we are going to computer.In Mrs.Johnsons room we did a book report on Big Bushy Mustache. We read Lucky Lois. Our morning work was antonyms and synonyms.We did spelling on dry earse Mrs.Brunos  room we are working on our paper slides.We learned about line graphs on math for today.we are reviewing punction marks.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Skills Agenda for April 13th

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


by:  Joshua

We worked on our spring break writing pitchers.Our homework is a comp sheet.
Today were going to music.Tomarow were going to work on our poster.Todays hat day.
Tomorow wacky tacky day.There 2 days intill our funrun.