Congratulations to this week's Good Citizen, Millie! The class voted her Good Citizen because she's been quiet in the halls, she is a good friend to others, and she's helped others this week.
We had a few minutes of silent reading time this morning before beginning morning work. Mrs. Johnson's friends came for a visit early this morning, and we discussed what each morning will look like beginning next week. We'll have both classes in here doing handwriting, math, or Famous Americans, while Mrs. Johnson has reading intervention. We discussed maps this morning, highlighting a map key, map symbols, directions, compass rose, and locating things on a US map.
In math, we played with the place value dice with a partner. We did Math Magician and the Jumping Game. Our newest skill is being able to play "I Have..., Who Has...?" Today, we used place value cards, but Mrs. Bruno has "I Have..., Who Has?" cards for time, money, addition, subtraction, and more. We were excited that Miss Brown played our games with us today!
Peyton says math is her favorite, but I think she also really likes geography