Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday, 1-10

We came in and did spelling ABC order as our morning work. Mrs. Johnson's class came in and talked about getting paid each day. We talked about how to earn and lose money. Mrs. Bruno's rule is that we are always to keep the fewest number of coins to equal our amount. That means that we'll often have to trade coins with Mrs. Bruno, better known as "THE BANK." We also learned what we could buy in our classroom with the money that we earn.

We had a special, unannounced visitor this morning. We were glad to see Dr. Hodge. She came and sat with us this morning for a few minutes to see how smart we were becoming!!!!

The classes helped to complete an "It All Adds Up" sheet. We like these because we really have to THINK to get the correct answers!

In math, we practiced our fact fluency, using Math Magician. Then, we looked at coins, their names, and their values. We'll begin counting coins tomorrow.

In science, we connected our soils unit to how we live each day. We talked about living and nonliving. We made a Venn diagram to compare and contrast living and nonliving things. Then, we made a T-chart to list examples of living and nonliving things.

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