Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday 8-27

This morning, we did math morning work.  It was decomposing 3-digit numbers!  A few of us went to Paine Primary Singers.  We saw a new website to monitor behavior.  We get stickers when we're on task and when we're not.  We learned about a math site we'll use in class and for homework called Mathletics.  We had our first round of Math Magician today.

In Mrs. Johnson's room we chose the right book for homework, and we are supposed to read that tonight.  We learned new centers, too.  We also got to write on dry-erase boards!

This afternoon, we had yummy snack and wrote on the blog!


  1. I loved reading the monster book!

  2. We're having a lot of fun with Math Magician!!
