Tuesday, August 25, 2015


We didn't have the opportunity to blog yesterday.  Our Mondays are a little crazy since they're shorter than other days.  Monday blogging will be sporadic.

We're having a great day so far!  We read a Studies Weekly called Rights and Responsibilities in Mrs. Johnson's room.  Our writing workshop today was a free write, and we also had a reading workshop that focused on great beginnings.  We watched a Brainpop about punctuation.

Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Bruno like to integrate all of their subjects, so guess what we talked about in our first social studies lesson?  You guessed it, rights and responsibilities.  We watched a Brainpop and learned about communities and citizenship.  We took a vacation from Eureka today to do Global Scholar in the computer lab.


  1. From Lucy: Great blog! Another fantastic day of learning!

  2. I love being able to check in on the blog! Owen said that was the "longest math test ever!" Lol! Good luck with Ustream!
