Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Hump Day 9-4

We tried to do morning work this morning, but the ELMO wasn't cooperating!!!  :(  We read a book in Mrs. Johnson's room called I Like to be Little.  We went to PE and did karate.

When we came back, we did phonics, writing, and language.  We worked on vocabulary and learned how to take a reading test.

Before lunch, we read another chapter of our read-aloud book.  We enjoyed lunch and recess, but it was awfully warm!

In math, we did Math Magician, word problems, and created numbers in standard form, number word form, expanded form, and sketching.  We created t-charts about urban and suburban living. 

We are hoping that our parents will read today's post and respond back to us!  It excites us to see what our parents have to say about our day!


  1. Sounds like today was a busy day! I love to hear about the things you do in class!

  2. It sounds like you guys had a very fun and busy day. Hopefully the ELMO, will cooperate for the next class.

  3. I love reading the daily blogs and it looks like you're having fun posting every day. You guys are doing fantastic!!!
