Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 2, 2012

Happy Tuesday (especially since we didn't get around to blogging for a Happy Monday). Yesterday, being early-dismissal-Monday, we didn't have time to blog. Mrs. Johnson's friends came over, and we played "Find That Number" on the 100s chart. We also added 2-digit numbers. Sadly, the rain kept us from going to recess, but we played the Wii instead. Today, we used the Math Studies Weekly to work on place value. Then . . . we headed to the dreaded computer lab for Global Scholar. It worked only SLIGHTLY better than last week. This time, it took over 90 minutes, but we finally all completed the test. Poor Canaan and Will were kicked off the internet about 20 times altogether. The rest of us were only kicked off about 15 times. : ) It was not a fun time!!! We won't be taking this test again until CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!


  1. Hello everyone! I am so sorry you had such a hard time with those silly computers :-( I wanted to share that I finally got to hear the "Water Cycle" song too! Canaan sang it for me. The faster he sang, the more he laughed!Canaan's grandma also learned all the words to the water cycle song just by watching you guy's sing it on ustream! I think it's great that you are learning by singing! Keep up the good work!
    Corrie Clay (Canaan's mom)

  2. Good morning friend Mrs. Bruno friends!! I think that I'd like to come back to the second grade and have Mrs. Bruno as a teacher! Playing the Wii and learning songs sounds like a lot more fun than working all day! Do you think that she would notice a "new student" if I sat in the back of the class? It sounds like you are all having so much fun and I know that you are learning LOTS! Keep up the good work!
    Mrs. Bentley (Natalie's mom)
